Mr Todd DePastino and the VBC (Veterans Breakfast Club) has given so much support to TLBP that I am almost embarrassed, hopefully his viewers are not tired of hearing about it. Thankfully the focus is very much on the signatories themselves which is entirely the raison d’etre.
Todd himself got Mr. Henry Parham to sign The Log Book on 9 October 2020 which was just brilliant.
Also in this VBC forum we learned of how one family converted a German parachute into a christening gown, no small feat when fingers are bloodied taking the parachute paneling apart.
In the below featured VBC session the main speaker Merchant Marine veteran Mr. Howard Pfeifer gave a wonderful combination of interesting and funny stories. Listen to him recount of “going to have a look about” on D-Day and ending up in a German bunker… surreal!
It is hard putting words to the appreciation we have for the work of Mr Todd DePastino and the VBC.
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