Guy Whidden

US Army, 101st Airborne Division, 502nd PIR

GUY WHIDDEN – US Army, 101st Airborne Division, 502nd PIR

As Paratrooper Guy Whidden during the early hours of D-day June 6th 1944 jumped out of an airplane over Normandy plastic 1/6th scale toys would have been the last thing on his mind. Nor would it have been on his mind when making a second combat jump during operation Market Garden in September or while almost loosing his leg near Brest in Holland by the mortar attack that took the life of two of his best friends.

But yet, here we are – with a 1/6th Scale model of Mr Whidden made by a major toy company.

Due to his injuries sustained outside Brest he was recovering in hospital when Battle of the Bulge started. After Mr Whiddens recovery he was sent back to United States and became a jump school instructor at Fort Benning.

To learn more about Mr Whiddens service please see below youtube video.

About Lars McKie 79 Articles
An ordinary Swede with a passion for history and just grateful to be given the chance to participate and contribute to the project.

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