Asahi Shimbun article by Mayuri Ito
The project is most honoured by the recent article published in The Asahi Shimbun (Asahi News) by journalist Mrs Mayuri Ito. The paper is not only one of the oldest but also among the four [Read more]
The project is most honoured by the recent article published in The Asahi Shimbun (Asahi News) by journalist Mrs Mayuri Ito. The paper is not only one of the oldest but also among the four [Read more]
Project webmaster and researcher Lars McKie joined up with Jeff Mossinghof to speak about his grandfather on a VBC session. “Conrad Castillo was a Filipino Steward in the US Navy during World War II assigned [Read more]
As Nick embarked on his journey towards Japan, escorting The Log Book to its next appointment, it was via a detour to Jamaica. The itinerary took them from St Lucia to Montego Bay via Fort [Read more]
I spent a most incredible 9 days in Japan, meeting some old and new friends through The Log Book Project. NHK’s Ching Li Tor was on hand for two of those event filled days and [Read more]
On 21 January 2022 Japanese veteran fighter pilot Kazuo Odachi added his name to a page from the log book. Odachi was only a teenager when he deployed to the Philippines and Taiwan as a [Read more]
“Per ardua ad astra” is a Latin phrase meaning “through adversity to the stars”. Wikipedia says it was the Royal Canadian Air Force’s motto until 1968, when it was changed to “sic itur ad astra”, [Read more]
The Log Book Project was graced with the signature of Mr Richard “Dick” Bailey on 31 July, 2019. During WWII he served in the 450th BG, 322th BS in the 9th AF as a B-26 [Read more]
As the book passed through Calgary on 8 June 2022 on the way to its next appointment in Alberta the occasion closed a 78 year long loop. Cyril Devaux attended Course 106 at No. 3 [Read more]
When war broke out Ray Cameron was living on a farm in Lindsay, Ontario. As a 16 year old he was already working on the Great Lakes as a seaman. When Norway was pulled into [Read more]
George Markow was born April 14, 1921 in Russia, just outside the city of Leningrad. He was born just four years after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and George remembers the impacts it had on [Read more]
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