Remembering Pearl Harbor
77 years ago today: Thanks to Nikki Stratton, I was honored to spend an unforgettable few minutes in the warmth and humerus company of Mr. Donald Stratton. Both he and his shipmate Mr. Ken Potts would [Read more]
77 years ago today: Thanks to Nikki Stratton, I was honored to spend an unforgettable few minutes in the warmth and humerus company of Mr. Donald Stratton. Both he and his shipmate Mr. Ken Potts would [Read more]
The danger in researching hundreds of shared experiences is the risk of becoming desensitized over time. The sheer scale of WWII consumed/affected vast resources and countless lives. Thus by default – depending on the branch [Read more]
The women pilots of WASP amassed an incredible record through WWII. They flew 60 million miles; transported every type of military aircraft; towed targets for live anti-aircraft gun practice; simulated strafing missions and transported cargo. [Read more]
As war broke out the 11 year old Nikolai Imchuk was at an orphanage in Uman, near Kiev, Ukraine, when it was bombed by the Luftwaffe. He joined the retreating Soviet troops but became trapped [Read more]
Mrs Nina Mikhailovna Danilkovich is 12 years old when the Great Patriotic War started in June of 1941. She lives in the region of Brest in western Belarus that becomes occupied by German troops. Similar [Read more]
SYDNEY “STEVIE” STEVENS – Fl. Lt., No. 57 Squadron RAF, Lancasters Sydney “Stevie” Stevens joined the RAF after his family’s home was bombed, parents surviving but everything he owned, down to a single pair of [Read more]
The journey of the Log Book is completely circumstantial and coincidental. To whom and where it goes next has been fluid from day one. The first intended signatory was a Japanese pilot named Kename Harada [Read more]
THOMAS KENEALLY – Civilian, author of “Schindler’s Ark” Almost 40 years ago, Thomos Keneally, intent on buying a briefcase, entered a leather goods store owned by a man named Poldek Pfefferberg. Pfefferberg, on learning that [Read more]
PETER GROSE – Civilian, author of “A Good Place to Hide” The week of 9 September 2019 saw the Log Book arrive in a charming place called L’île d’Oléron, an island on the west coast [Read more]
Decades later it is hard to fully comprehend the incredible story of Mr Jan Iwanowski. From Polish army to Red Army POW to PAF pilot via a Siberian Gulag and evacuation with ‘Anders Army’; his [Read more]
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